About "For The Covid Kids"

The following provides information about the "For The Covid Kids" project, and answers some of the most frequently asked questions.

What is "For The Covid Kids"?

When we all faced the Covid Pandemic together, most people's lives were put on hold, while others suffered terrible hardship. One of the main areas of social impact was among the young population. Most children faced being kept away from their place of education, and denied being around their peers. This impacted a great many children in many negative ways, which we recognised and felt should be addressed in some small way.

How did it all begin?

We were a few private individuals, with very limited means, who wanted to make a difference for people during the Covid Pandemic, especially children with affected education and mental health.

"Nothing formal to it at all. Just doing our bit!" Therefore we are not a registered charity, nor have we ever intended to be.

Our working lives have returned to normal for the most part, and this little project of ours was never envisioned as continuing this long, or growing this big, however with the help of others, it will continue for as long as practical and affordable.

We have continued informally helping people by passing on donations of items, clothing, food and in some cases financial help, intended to help those in need.

Although initially started in Glasgow, our reach has now expanded across Scotland, with volunteers assisting us in many areas, and providing help to vulnerable and needy people in many varied ways.

What happens to items donated?

It was always our first intention to rehome any items donated to us, however we now find that most people are struggling as a result of the "Cost of Living Crisis", and many have asked if we can possibly help them financially, instead of gifting donated items.

This crisis is what has now led us to create the 'Donations Store', where items we have not been able to rehome can instead be obtained in return for a reasonable and affordable donation, by those with the financial means to do so, and these donation funds will be used to help expand upon the 'For The Covid Kids' project where needed.

It should be noted, we recognise and appreciate that people donating items may not know they could end up being rehomed in this way, however we only hope they appreciate the financial crisis people now face, and that their donated items being exchanged for financial donation will likely provide far more help to people in need.

We are also now struggling to find storage for items, again relying upon the kindness of volunteers using space within private residences, however this has now become difficult to maintain, which will also be assisted greatly by the 'Donations Store', helping to rehome items on to appreciative recipients far quicker.

What happens to money donated?

Although it was always our policy to never accept financial donations from people, given the financial struggles most faced during Covid Lockdown, and now with the Cost of Living Crisis having a continuing financial impact upon us all, and we never wanted to handle and distribute donations from commercial donors, as this was beyond the scope of our initial aims with "For The Covid Kids", we view any funds raised from the rehoming of any item via the fundraising 'Donations Store' as a fair donation from those able to afford, in exchange for that item, and such donations will be used to expand upon the 'For The Covid Kids' project where needed.

Additionally, as no person involved in the running of this project takes any form of wage, fee or expense, plus as we have no premises to pay for, all thanks to the kind generousity of others, all donated funds can be used entirely for good.

What is the "Gaming Room Project"?

This project came about to develop, design and build the ultimate "Gaming Room" in the private residence of a youth we became aware of, who tirelessly and selflessly gave so much of his time, energy and limited personal resources, even selling his own property and personal belongings, to help so many people in his community during the Covid Pandemic.

On a daily basis, under the most difficult and strictest of conditions, all the while following Government Guidelines at every step, he took it upon himself to do all he could to help and support those around him, especially the elderly and most vulnerable, all without the desire for recognition, financial gain, or reward of any kind.

So much so, it took a lot of convincing for this youth to even accept our wish to reward him (we did keep the "Gaming Room" plan to ourselves), and he just asked that we "Pay it Forward". This is exactly what we have done, and did pay it forward, which this youth now believes is the end of the situation, and has turned his focus to education and studies. We hope this is far from the end, and that with your help, we can give so much back to this inspiring young man.

We have been asked to undertake this endeavour under the condition that, given this youth's humble nature, and extreme shyness, that no publicity is forced upon him, or those around him, including his family and friends. Nor must we reveal his location, to allow him his privacy.

We have reached agreement that the completed "Gaming Room" and "Retro Gaming Museum" display can be revealed to the public, and already we have gained some press and media interest in the outcome. We also forecast this will go viral, and any companies and brands associated with the development and installation of this project, will only stand to gain positive brand recognition and PR, which after all, is only fair.

How did the "Gaming Room Project" come about?

We were asked to help create a gaming room/retro collection for a youth who did a LOT to help people during lockdown. He is also a big retro gaming enthusiast, thanks to his deceased Father, and intends to recreate his Father's lost collection. As a massive thank you to this youth, on behalf of those he helped directly, and those he inspired indirectly, we want to gain help from all areas, from private individuals to the gaming industry, and any other gaming-related organisation or business, in bringing this plan to successful fruition.

What is the "Gaming Rooms Project 2024"?

The success of our previous Gaming Room project, albeit with some hardware we purchased not working, has inspired us to find another worthy recipient of this idea, and not only have we found such an individual, we in fact found two.

So, to get things underway, we are yet again asking for help from the amazing community of gaming emthusiasts and aficionados, as well as from the gaming industry itself, to help us create not one, but two Gaming Rooms, in what is now called our "Gaming Rooms Project 2024".

What is the "Retro Gaming Museum"?

To better understand this part, please make sure to read "What is the Gaming Room Project" above.

There is another part of this youth's story we became aware of, which is truly heartbreaking. To elaborate, he is a big retro gaming enthusiast, thanks to his deceased Father, however he is an enthusiast without actually owning any of the items he is passionate about. To further explain, his Father had accumulated a considerable Retro Gaming collection over many years, every single item of which he sadly lost as a result of a house break-in, shortly before he passed away.

It has always been this youth's dream to recreate his Father's lost collection, but this was a dream and ambition that he resolved would likely always be far from his modest reach.

We feel it would be a much-fitting addition to this young man's highly deserved ultimate Gaming Room, to include a "Retro Gaming Museum" display, replacing as best as we can, and perhaps even improving upon, the Retro Collection his Father accumulated over many years of his life, only to be lost in an instant, at the hands of heartless and unscrupulous thieves.